====== Ordnerberechtigungen Mailbox ====== ===== Options for sharing a folder ===== ^Permission level^Activities that a sharing user can perform^ |Owner|Create, read, modify, and delete all items in the shared folder. As an owner, a user can change the permission levels that others have for the folder.| |Publishing Editor|Create, read, modify, and delete all items, and create subfolders.| |Editor|Create, read, modify, and delete all items.| |Publishing Author|Create and read items, create subfolders, and modify and delete items that you create.| |Author|Create and read items, and modify and delete items that you create.| |Nonediting Author|Create and read items, and delete items that you create.| |Reviewer|Read items only.| |Contributor|Create items only.| |Custom|Perform activities defined by the folder owner.| |Free/Busy time, subject, location|For calendar sharing only, read the free/busy information, subject, and location of calendar events| |Free/Busy time|For calendar sharing only, read the free/busy information of calendar events| |None|Not perform any activity. The user remains on the permissions list but has no permission and cannot open the folder.| ===== Options for delegating a folder ===== ^Permission level^Activities that a delegate can perform^ |Editor|Read, create, and modify items, including modifying and deleting items that the account owner created. For example, a delegate with Editor permissions can create meeting requests directly in the account owner's calendar and respond to meeting requests on the account owner's behalf.| |Author|Read and create items, and modify and delete items that he or she creates.| |Reviewer|Read items only. For example, the delegate can read messages in the account owner's inbox.| ===== Powershell-Cmdlets ===== Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "jose@contoso.com" -AccessRights FolderVisible -User mike@contoso.com Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "jose@contoso.com:\Posteingang" -AccessRights @("FolderVisible", "ReadItems") -User mike@contoso.com Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "jose@contoso.com:\Kalender" -AccessRights Author -User mike@contoso.com [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/mailboxes/add-mailboxfolderpermission?view=exchange-ps|Quelle]], [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/options-for-sharing-and-delegating-folders-in-outlook-2016-for-mac-480d8054-68ce-4150-ba1e-b9b7f2fc4ce5?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US|Quelle]] {{tag>[Mailbox Mailboxfolder Permission Rechte Powershell Exchange]}}