====== Ashes of Empire ====== * [[http://www.myabandonware.com/game/ashes-of-empire-1kw|Download]] ===== Ashes of Empire Manual ===== Brought to you by Belgarath //HOW HORRIBLE, FANTASTIC, INCREDIBLE IT IS THAT WE SHOULD BE DIGGING TRENCHES AND TRYING ON GAS MASKS HERE BECAUSE OF A QUARREL IN A FAR AWAY COUNTRY BETWEEN PEOPLE OF WHOM WE KNOW NOTHING// **Neville Chamberlain in a radio broadcast about Germany's annexation of Sudetenland, 27 September 1938.** ==== CONTENTS ==== - NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN RADIO BROADCAST - PREFACE - HOW TO PLAY - REGIONAL PROFILES - NEWS PAPER CLIPPINGS - THE ACCIDENT - THE MEETING ==== PREFACE ==== By Mike Singleton After more than forty years of global confrontation between East and West, the Cold War ends. Gorbachev brings glasnost and perestroika to the Soviet Union. The Iron Curtain begins to suffer from terminal rust. The Eastern Bloc crumbles. In Poland, in Czechoslovakia, in Hungary, in Bulgaria, in East Germany and in Rumania, communist regimes lose their grip on power. The Berlin Wall is torn down. The Baltic states declare independence from the Soviet Union. East and West Germany are re-united. Hardline politicians attempt a coup in the Soviet Union but are foiled by Yeltsin and the citizens of Moscow. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dissolves into the Commonwealth of Independent States as republic after republic refuses to remain part of the old, centralized union. With Cold War tensions and loyalties melting away, nationalism begins to reassert itself through Eastern Europe and beyond. Yugoslavia flies asunder and civil war breaks out as Slovenia and then Croatia declare independence and defy the attempts of the Serbian-dominated federal army to force them back into the fold. In the CIS, conflict grows between Azerbaijan and Armenia and, in the enclave of Nagorny-Karabakh, there is bitter fighting. The Ukraine and Russia both claim ownership of the Black Sea Fleet. A Russian minority enclave in Moldavia declares independence from the Moldavian Republic. There is more bitter fighting in Yugoslavia as ethnic conflict breaks out between the Serb, Croat and Muslim communities of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sarajevo is besieged and, once again, the roads of Europe are choked with refugees. Further east, an uneasy peace holds between the states of the CIS. The daunting question of who controls the nuclear weapons of the old USSR is not resolved. As market forces begin to bite, the fragile economies of the former Republics falter. Russia appeals for economic aid. All the while, civil unrest and ethnic tension rises. We live in remarkable times. At breathtaking speed, the political map of the world has changed beyond recognition. This is the backdrop to Ashes of Empire. Through fiction, this game looks at the sort of problems that face the world today and asks you to solve them. Your task is to bring peace and harmony to the CSR, a vast, multi-national, nuclear-armed superstate where central authority no longer prevails and where the danger of ethnic conflict and civil war looms large. In Ashes of Empire, you will find echoes of the real world and, I hope, echoes of how delicate a task it is to bring peace and prosperity to lands where there is, at the moment, only hardship, bloodletting and misery. Wishing you success in your mission of mercy Mike Singleton === LOADING INSTRUCTIONS === == COMMODORE AMIGA == Turn off your computer and remove all unnecessary peripherals. Insert the disk into the internal drive and switch on the computer. The program will auto-load. On the conclusion of the intro sequence, remove the disk, insert the �Ashes� program disk and then restart your Amiga. Should you not wish to run the intro sequence, please insert the program disk into the internal drive and switch on your computer. The program will automatically load. == WHAT IF MY GAME FAILS TO LOAD? == In the vast majority of cases a loading problem is caused not by faulty software but by either, an incorrect loading procedure or a hardware fault. Please ensure that the loading instructions have been properly followed. Most hardware failures are due to a misalignment of the heads in the disk drive. It may also be that a virus has been transferred onto your hardware from other software, pirated copies of games are a common source of viruses. In the unlikely event of a software fault on your mirage game, please return the complete package with receipt to the place of purchase. Alternatively, contact Mirage on our helpline 0260-299919 ==== HOW TO PLAY ==== YOUR AIMS THE OVERALL AIM PACIFYING A REPUBLIC CAPITAL PROVINCES PACIFYING A PROVINCE THE UC BUILDING PROGRAMME THE UC DEMOLITION PROGRAMME THE UC PACIFICATION PROGRAMME THE UC ETHNIC HARMONY PROGRAMME SUCCESS IN A PROVINCE TIME IN A PROVINCE SUCCESS IN A REPUBLIC TIME IN A REPUBLIC ALL-OUT NUCLEAR CIVIL WAR SUCCESS IN THE CSR THE OVERALL AIM The overall aim of your Commission is to bring peace and harmony to the entire CSR. To do this, you must pacify each of the CSR�s five Republics - Ossia, Ruzakhstan, Belokraine, Moldenla, Servonia. PACIFYING A REPUBLIC Each Republic has one capital province and up to eight other provinces within its borders. There are two ways to pacify a Republic: EITHER 1) Pacify the capital province of the Republic and at least two other provinces in the Republic. OR 2) Pacify all the provinces in the Republic except the capital province. CAPITAL PROVINCES The capital provinces of the Republics each encompass one of the five great lakes of the CSR. Republic Capital Province Ossia Zemla Ruzakhstan Abakan Belokraine Ostrov Moldenia Tasejevo Servonia Chor PACIFYING A PROVINCE To pacify a province, you must successfully complete four different United Community programmes in the province. These are your aims in a province. 1) The UC Building Programme 2) The UC Demolition Programme 3) The UC Pacification Programme 4) The UC Ethnic Harmony Programme The precise composition of these programmes varies considerably from province to province. THE UC BUILDING PROGRAMME Under the United Community Building Programme, you must provide a number of different types of buildings to meet the most urgent needs of the population of the province. You can provide these buildings either by gaining control of existing ones or, with the help of the local professionals, by building new ones. THE UC DEMOLITION PROGRAMME Under the United Community Demolition Programme, you must rid the province of a number of different types of buildings whose very existence is a threat to harmony and prosperity. You can demolish these buildings either by military action or by securing the help of local professionals who will undertake the demolition themselves. THE UC PACIFICATION PROGRAMME Under the United Community Pacification Programme, you must eliminate from the province a certain number of CSR military units. Local military commanders, if you secure their help, can bring CSR military units over to your side. Alternatively, by direct military action, you can force units to surrender. THE UC ETHNIC HARMONY PROGRAMME Under the United Community Ethnic Harmony Programme, you must secure the support of different ethnic groups within the province. This support comes in the form of democratic votes pledged by the ethnic minorities. The votes are pledged when you secure the help of key members of the various provincial communities. SUCCESS IN A PROVINCE If you succeed in all your aims, you will achieve peace and harmony in the province. The province will place itself under United Community control and you will be given various additional resources by the grateful population. All the buildings in the province fail under UC control, all the military units surrender and the professionals in the province join the staff of your military, medical, engineering and administrative teams. The extra resources and the extra professional assistance you gain will then help your peace mission in other troubled regions of the CSR. TIME IN A PROVINCE You only have a limited amount of time in a province before reactionary elements start to disrupt your efforts. If you spend too many days in a province, saboteurs will start to set the forests ablaze. Unless dealt with, the forest fires will spread rapidly, causing a massive diversion of resources. The burning down of forests steadily reduces the resources you will gain by pacifying the province. If too many forest fires burn to conclusion, you may end up with no extra resources at all when you finally pacify the province. You can, however, gain extra time in a province by gaining control of certain buildings or by securing the help of certain key members of the community. Gaining extra time delays the onset of forest fires. SUCCESS IN A REPUBLIC If you succeed in pacifying sufficient provinces, you will achieve peace and harmony in the Republic. The whole Republic will place itself under United Community control and all remaining unpacified provinces will likewise place themselves under United Community control. You will be given various additional resources by the grateful population of the Republic. All the buildings in the Republic fail under UC control, all the military units surrender and the professionals in the Republic join the staff of your military, medical, engineering and administrative teams. The extra resources and the extra professional assistance you gain will then help your peace mission in the other troubled Republics of the CSR. TIME IN A REPUBLIC You only have a limited amount of time in a Republic before reactionary elements in the fragmented but still functioning CSR Strategic Command start to disrupt the peace process by launching nuclear missiles against the province you are in. Once you have exceeded your time limit, every day you spend in the Republic carries the risk of a nuclear strike against the province you are operating in. If a nuclear missile does explode in a province, it becomes very difficult indeed to adequately pacify the province. Consequently, it becomes very difficult to pacify the Republic. Unless you are very close to success already, your cause may well be doomed. You do, however, gain extra time in a Republic as you pacify each of its provinces. This gives you more time before the nuclear strikes begin. ALL-OUT NUCLEAR CIVIL WAR Once nuclear strikes start to be made anywhere in the CSR, the level of nuclear tension starts to rise. There are three levels of tension, low, rising and critical. The number of strikes it takes to raise tension to a new level is unpredictable - it could take two missiles, it could take five Regardless of the number of nuclear strikes, nuclear tension in the CSR will rise anyway by one level every fifty days. This means that you have a maximum of 150 days in which to pacify the whole of the CSR. When the tension level rises above critical, a catastrophic nuclear civil war will break out in the CSR. Over one hundred nuclear missiles will rain down on CSR territory, devastating the land mass and annihilating millions of innocent men, women and children. This is the consequence of failing in your Commission. It must be avoided at all costs. SUCCESS IN THE CSR If you succeed in pacifying all of the five Republics, your mission of peace is complete. You will have brought peace harmony and democratic freedom to the grateful people of the CSR and saved them from the horrors of civil war. THE PEOPLES OF THE CSR AN EMPIRE IN DECLINE THE POLITICAL STRUCTURE THE NATIONS THE NATIONAL LEADERS THE NATIONAL HIERARCHY NATIONAL LOYALTIES CROSS-BORDER LOYALTIES THE PROFESSIONS PROFESSIONAL TEAMS PROVINCIAL SOCIETY SPECIAL HELP PROFESSIONAL DEMANDS PROFESSIONALS LOYAL TO YOU ORDINARY CITIZENS AN EMPIRE IN DECLINE The Confederation of Syndicalist Republics has, for decades, been a militaristic totalitarian state ruled with a rod of iron by the all-powerful Syndicalist Party. The lands comprising the CSR are much the same lands that comprised the old Ossian Empire at the turn of the century: Ossia itself, Ruzakhstan, Belokraine, Moldenia and Servonia. Over the past three years, the CSR has been in turmoil. The Syndicalist Party, in an attempt to stimulate the moribund centralised economy, relaxed its grip on the population, introducing piecemeal democratic reforms and some elements of a market economy. The outcome of these attempted reforms has been the overthrow of Party rule, the breakdown of central authority in the CSR and chaos verging on civil war. THE POLITICAL STRUCTURE The CSR comprises 5 Republics, each of which consists of up to 9 provinces. Each Republic has a capital province, where the central administration of the Republic is to be found. OSSIA Zemla, Caracal, Temir, Makinsk, Siret, Sebalino, Armavir. RUZAKHSTAN Abakan, Nadym, Samara, Arad, Turu, Magadan, Kazan, Curug. BELOKKAINE Ostrov, Kurunach, Borovan, Agonar, Timis, Asino, Balkas, Govina. MOLDENIA Tasejevo, Marcha, Parabel, Celkar, Selenga, Elista, Palanka, Agia. SERVONIA Chor, West Suja, Corabia, Pasino, Joskar, Ekonda, Liman, Kalaras, Murom. THE NATIONS The population of the CSR is made up of 5 different nations, the Ossians, the Ruzakhs, the Beloks, the Moldenes and the Servs. The national territory of each of these nations corresponds to each of the CSR�s five Republics. However, intermingling and deliberate relocation of entire populations by the central authorities has given each Republic and each province a population of mixed nationalities The majority of the population in the Republic of Ossia is of Ossian nationality, but in each province, there are large ethnic minority groups of Ruzakhs, Beloks, Moldenes and Servs. It is likewise for each of the other Republics. Following the breakdown of central authority, ethnic conflict is a major problem throughout the CSR. THE NATIONAL LEADERS With central government in disarray and ethnic tension rising, the people of each nation in the CSR look to their national leaders for guidance, rather than to the government of the Republic they live in. In times past, the national leaders were simply cultural figureheads wielding little or no power but now they hold real political power. In particular, they command the loyalty of the professional classes, the nomenklatura, whose local power and influence is considerable. THE NATIONAL HIERARCHY Each nation has a President, controlling the whole professional class of that nationality. The President commands 4 Governors. Each Governor controls a faction. The Governor of a faction commands 4 Heads of Profession: the Head of Medicine, the Head of the Military, the Head of Engineering and the Head of Administration. Each Head of Profession controls a professional group consisting of 7 other professional personnel. Professional group: 7 personnel plus the Head of Profession 8 professionals in total. Faction: 4 professional groups plus the Governor 33 professionals in total Nation: 4 factions plus the President 133 professionals in total The CSR: 5 nations 665 professionals in total NATIONAL LOYALTIES To bring peace and harmony to the CSR, you will have to secure the help and cooperation of the professional classes. You will have the opportunity to meet professionals and recruit them to your cause during the course of your travels through the CSR. To secure their help, you will need to provide them with various resources that they urgently need for the people of their locality. This can prove an expensive process. However, the higher ranking members of the hierarchy command the loyalty of all the people under them. When you secure the help of a high ranking professional, you gain the loyalty of all the professionals he controls. Then, instead of having to bargain for their help, these professionals will offer you their help as soon as you meet them. In addition, their locations will be revealed on the map, providing you are in the same province as them. If you secure the help of a President, you gain the loyalty of his entire nation, 133 professionals. If you secure the help of a Governor, you gain the loyalty of his entire faction, 33 professionals. If you secure the help of a Head of Profession, you gain the loyalty of his professional group, 8 professionals. CROSS-BORDER LOYALTIES Because the national communities are scattered throughout the CSR with some of the population living in their national homeland but others not, national loyalties apply across the borders of the Republics. Although many Ossian professionals will be found in Ossia itself, there will be some in Ruzakhstan, some in Belokraine, some in Moldenia and some in Servonia. Likewise, members of the same faction or professional group within a faction are scattered between different provinces. Consequently, if you gain the loyalty of a professional group, a faction or a whole nation, you will only find some of its members in the province or Republic you are in. The others are waiting to help you in other provinces and Republics. THE PROFESSIONS There are four different professions in the CSR: the medical profession, the military profession, the engineering profession and the administrative profession. Each professional group in a faction has eight members of various different ranks: MEDICAL GROUP Head of Profession: 1 Professor 1 Surgeon 2 Doctors 3 Nurses 1 Medical Coordinator MILITARY GROUP Head of Profession: 1 Strike Marshal 1 Group Commander 2 Commandants 3 Assault Adjutants 1 Military Coordinator ENGINEERING GROUP Head of Profession: 1 Constructor General 1 Link Builder 2 Captains of Works 3 Engineer Builders 1 Engineering Coordinator ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP Head of Profession: 1 Controller 1 Principal Executive 2 Superintendent Administrators 3 Lieutenant Administrators Administrative Coordinator PROFESSIONAL TEAMS From time to time during the course of your Commission, you will be asked to provide professional teams - medical, military, engineering or administrative teams. The provision of teams is often vital in securing the help of key members of the professional hierarchy and thereby achieving your aims with a province, so the professional teams at your disposal are an important human resource. You enter the CSR with a small number of UC professional teams already at your disposal. To succeed in your mission, you will have to gather more teams within the CSR Itself. There are a number of ways of getting more teams. When you succeed in pacifying a province and the province puts itself under UC control, professional teams are one of the extra resources you gain. Alternatively, you can form new professional teams yourself by recruiting appropriate professional personnel in person. Anyone below the rank of Head of Profession is a potential team member. If you are able to recruit him, you can either accept the special help he offers or you can allocate him to the staff of your professional teams. To form a new team you need: MEDICAL TEAM 1 Surgeon or Doctor 2 Nurses MILITARY TEAM 1 Group Commander or Commandant 2 Assault Adjutants ENGINEERING TEAM 1 Link Builder or Captain of Works 2 Engineer Builders ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM 1 Principal Executive or Superintendent Administrator 2 Lieutenant Administrators If the team is of mixed nationality, you will also need a Coordinator to ensure the smooth working of the team. For a medical team, you need a Medical Coordinator, for a military team you need a Military Coordinator and so on. Once you have allocated personnel to your team staff, the actual formation of teams is handled automatically by your computer which will inform you of the number of complete teams available and any surplus team staff on request. When a Republic or a province places itself under UC control, all the remaining lower-ranking professionals in the region, not yet recruited by you, come over to your side and join your team staff. Presidents, Governors and Heads of Profession, however, can only be recruited by you in person or by your securing the help of their superiors. They can never form part of your team staff. PROVINCIAL SOCIETY In each province there are 16 or 17 professionals who can help you in your Commission. When you first enter a province, you will usually know nothing of their whereabouts. The professionals move about from town to town in the course of their duties and the inhabitants of each town they visit are well aware of their movements. By visiting different towns and meeting the inhabitants, you will soon be told about one of these professionals and be able to arrange a meeting with him. If you then manage to secure his help, you will find yourself on the provincial societal network. The professionals in a province have their own hierarchy of social contacts. Each professional knows someone further up in the social contacts hierarchy. At the top of the hierarchy a person who knows every other professional in the province. When you secure the help of a professional, he will tell you where to find another professional further up in the social contacts hierarchy. If you then secure the help of this professional, you will be told where to find someone even higher up. This always leads you eventually to the provincial fixer, the man who knows everyone. If you secure his help, you will be told where to find all the professionals in the province - a highly valuable piece of information. Presidents or Governors are even higher than the top of the social network of a province. The only person who can tell you where to find a President or a Governor is the man who knows everyone, the professional at the top of the social contacts hierarchy. SPECIAL HELP When you recruit a professional, he can help you in one of two ways: he can join the staff of your professional teams he can give you special help. You must decide on the spot which sort of help to accept. As soon as you meet the person, he will tell you what sort I special help he can give you. This comes in a number of forms. 1) ETHNIC VOTES Every professional is a person of influence and he will always offer to pledge you a certain number of votes from his own ethnic community. These can be vital in achieving your ethnic harmony aims. 2) RESOURCES Various commodities and strategic resources can be offered to you. These can help you in further bargaining and also be of direct help during your Commission. 3) BUILDING The person can offer to construct new buildings for you. This can be of vital importance in achieving the aims of your building programme because it is the only way to construct new buildings in a province. In many provinces, there are insufficient buildings of the correct type to fulfill your building programme aims and you have to construct new buildings to succeed. 4) DEMOLITION The person can offer to demolish old buildings for you. This can be of importance in achieving your demolition programme aims, saving you the time and trouble of demolishing the buildings yourself. 5) PACIFICATION Certain professionals will sometimes offer to bring all the CSR military units in the area over to your side. This can be of vital importance in achieving your pacification programme aims, eliminating large numbers of CSR units at once. Furthermore, these units actually join your side, forming assault groups that you can use to intervene on your behalf when military action is called for. Because he moves from place to place during the course of his duties, the same professional will recruit more or less CSR units. This depends on the troop concentrations in his current location at the time when you secure his help In some cases it may be worth following him to the next town where there are more CSR units to recruit. It IS important to remember that you lose all the special help a person offers you if you allocate him to your professional teams Whether to accept the person�s special help or allocate him to a team is often a difficult choice to make and it should be made with care. PROFESSIONAL DEMANDS When you meet a professional, he will always tell you what he needs from you for his local community before he can help you. Such demands come in two forms: 1) RESOURCES He will ask for various commodities and strategic resources. 2) PROFESSIONAL TEAMS He will ask for the assistance of professional teams. If you have the necessary combination of teams and resources, you will be able to recruit him immediately If you don�t have the necessary combination, you will not be given the option of recruiting him. The act of recruiting the person seals the bargain and the transfer of resources and teams IS automatically completed. If you don�t or can�t recruit a professional, you always have the option of visiting him again later on. If you do recruit a professional, you will not be able to meet him again later; all his help has been given. PROFESSIONALS LOYAL TO YOU If you have gained the loyalty of a professional by recruiting one of his superiors (his Head of Profession, his Governor or his President), when you meet him he will make no demands of you but simply offer you his help. The location of professionals loyal to you IS always marked on the map of the province you are in. ORDINARY CITIZENS You will meet many ordinary citizens of the CSR during the course of your Commission. There is always a citizen of some description in control of every single building and installation and there are many thousands of these in the CSR. You meet the citizen in charge every time you, in person, enter a building. To gain control of the building you must recruit the citizen to your cause. The building will then fall under UC control and its resources will be handed over to you, going straight into your stocks. There are two ways to recruit the citizen in charge: 1) BARTER The citizen will demand various commodities in exchange for his help. If you have these commodities in your stocks, you are given the option of recruiting the citizen by barter. If you don�t have the appropriate commodities, you are not given the option of bartering. When you take the barter option, the citizen is recruited immediately and the commodities he needs are transferred to him automatically from your stocks. 2) PERSUASION You can employ various lines of conversation in an attempt to persuade the citizen to join� your cause. You are bound to succeed eventually but it�s a question of finding the right line of conversation. Each new tack you take costs you valuable time. On the other it costs you nothing in commodities. When your stocks of commodities run low, you may be forced to use persuasion to recruit citizens Recruiting citizens and gaining control of buildings is important in two ways. Firstly, you can get additional commodities and strategic resources. Secondly, gaining control of particular types of building can be of vital importance in achieving your provincial building programme aims. CIVIL AND MILITARY RESOURCES YOUR STOCKS COMMODITIES TRANSPORT AND MUNITIONS SUNDRIES BUILDINGS AND INSTALLATIONS LIMITLESS SUPPLIES BOMBPROOF BUILDINGS VEHICLES AIRCRAFT SEA-GOING VESSELS UNDERWATER CRAFT GROUND VEHICLES YOUR STOCKS Throughout your Commission in the CSR, you will need to draw on your available supply of commodities, vehicles, fuel, ammunition, medical treatment, military assistance, air lifts and so on. Together, these form your stocks. At the start of your Commission, the UC has already provided you with a limited stock of resources. During the course of your mission, you will have to replenish these stocks from within the CSR itself by recruiting citizens gaining control of buildings and securing the special help of key professionals. When you succeed in pacifying a province and it places itself under UC control, you get a further boost to your stocks COMMODITIES There are eight essential commodities that you will need to barter with ordinary citizens (and hence gain control of buildings) and to bargain with professionals. The eight commodities are: bars of gold, diamonds, food, wine, goods, tools, medication and clothing. TRANSPORT AND MUNITIONS There are eight different resources in this category: ground vehicles, sea-going vessels, submarines, aircraft, fuel, ammunition, movement papers and interdiction papers. All of these are important bargaining counters when you are negotiating for the help of a professional but they are also of direct use to you during your mission. VEHICLES At any time, you can airlift any of the four categories of vehicle to your location - invaluable when you have no transportation, or when you need a different sort of vehicle. This depletes your stocks by 1 vehicle. FUEL Fuel is used up by airlifts and by assault groups. Every airlift you call for depletes your stocks of 1 tonne of fuel and 1 aircraft. Every assault group you use needs 1 tonne of fuel, 1 company of troops and 1 crate of ammunition. AMMUNITION At any time, you can airlift ammunition directly to your location and fully re-arm your vehicle. This depletes your stocks by 1 crate of ammunition. MOVEMENT PAPERS Movement papers are used to give yourself temporary immunity from enemy attack. Using 1 set of movement papers will give you two hours immunity (unless you open fire in the meantime). INTERDICTION PAPERS Interdiction papers are used to enter buildings under the control of enemy ground troops. The presence of CSR motorcycle units, armoured car units or six-wheeler units places nearby buildings under an interdiction and you will be unable to get in. Using 1 set of Interdiction papers will enable you to enter interdicted building. SUNDRIES There are SIX different resources in this category: emergency medical treatment, fire fighting teams, power cells, extra time, companies of troops and air lifts. With the exception of extra time, all of these may be important bargaining counters when you are negotiating for the help of a professional but they are also of direct use to you during your mission. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT If you are Injured during your mission, 1 course of emergency medical treatment will quickly get you back into action. If you have no emergency treatment available, you will be hospitalised for some days. FIRE FIGHTING TEAMS When you run out of time in a province and enemy sabotage begins, fire fighting teams are of great Importance for extinguishing the forest fires. POWER CELLS Power cells can be used to immobilise hostile vehicles when you are on foot. Each power cell contains a powerful ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) device which scrambles the control system of the hostile vehicle. Using 1 power cell will immobilise 1 hostile vehicle. EXTRA TIME Extra time records the additional time you have gained within a province before reactionary elements start lighting forests fires (which deplete the extra resources the province can provide when you pacify it). COMPANIES OF TROOPS A company of troops is an essential component of an assault group. When you call for military assistance, an assault group rushes to your aid. The assault group, however, needs resources: a company of troops, fuel and ammunition. You gain an extra company of troops by forcing a CSR unit to surrender or, by recruiting a military commander, persuading a CSR unit to come over to your side. AIRLIFTS Airlifts are of vital importance in airlifting vehicles and ammunition to your own location or in airlifting yourself to a new location. Each airlift you use also requires 1 aircraft and 1 tonne of fuel. BUILDINGS AND INSTALLATIONS During your Commission in the CSR, you will encounter a large variety of buildings and installations, each of which serves a different purpose. You gain control of a building by recruiting the citizen in charge of it. Each building can provide you with extra resources - commodities, transport and munitions and sundries. In addition, gaining control of particular types of building is of vital importance in fulfilling your building Programme aims. Building Type Provides House food, wine 1 day of extra time in the province Church medication 7 days of extra time in the province Mosque medication 7 days of extra time in the province Depot goods, tools 5 ground vehicles Fuel Dump goods 5 tonnes of fuel Admin Block gold 1 set of movement papers Barracks clothing 5 crates of ammunition Command Post diamond 5 sets of interdiction papers Factory limitless supply of vehicles within the province Refinery limitless supply of fuel within the province if you also control a well head Power Station 5 power cells Pumping Station wine 1 fire fighting team Barn food 1 day of extra time in the province Farmhouse food, wine Processing Plant food limitless supply of food within the province if you also control a pumphead Vault 10 gold bars Bombproof Factory limitless supply of vehicles within the province Bombproof Complex gold, goods, tool, medication 5 crates of ammunition 5 tonnes of fuel Bombproof W/house diamond, clothing, goods, medication 5 sea-going vessels 5 underwater craft Mine diamond limitless supply of ammunition within the province if you also control a fort Hospital medication 5 courses of emergency medical treatment Radar food information, plotting all nearby towns and CSR units on your map Fort gold limitless supply of ammunition within the province if you also control a mine Comms Centre goods, tools, information, plotting all nearby professional personnel on your map Windmill clothing, 1 power cell Well Head limitless supply of fuel within the province if you also control a refinery Pump Head wine, tools limitless supply of food within the province if you also control a processing plant Control Tower goods, tools 5 aircraft LIMITLESS SUPPLIES Gaining control of certain combinations of buildings can give you limitless supplies of a resource within that province. Gaining limitless supplies does not change your finite stocks of that resource. However, within the province, you can use as much of that resource as you want without depleting your finite stocks. Outside the province, the limitless supplies are not available and you must rely on your finite stocks. If the buildings or installations providing the limitless supplies are subsequently destroyed, you lose your limitless supplies. BOMBPROOF BUILDINGS Bombproof buildings are designed to survive a nearby nuclear attack. Being air-tight, they can still operate even if the area is completely flooded. In fact, a fair number of bombproof buildings have actually been constructed underwater as an additional protection measure. Each of these buildings, even when underwater, remains accessible to the professionals who need to visit them in the course of their duties - each bombproof building is equipped with a small submersible shuttle to ferry personnel in and out in the event of the building being submerged. Bombproof buildings are not designed to survive direct hits either by nuclear or conventional weapons and they can be destroyed during a military action by your own or enemy firepower. In terms of achieving the aims of your building programme, a bombproof factory is treated as an ordinary factory. VEHICLES Many different types of vehicle are available both to yourself, your assault groups and to CSR military units. AIRCRAFT Cargo Planes, Groundhawks, Seahawks, Fighters, Bombers SEA-GOING VESSELS Hydrofoil, Patrol Boats, Barges UNDERWATER CRAFT Minisubs, Flying Subs, Hunter-killers, Sea-Spiders, Amphibious Tanks GROUND VEHICLES Snowmobiles, Motorcycles, Armoured Cars, Six-wheelers, Tanks, Rocket Launchers Each of these vehicles has different ways of movement and different attack capabilities. If you personally have no vehicle, you are open to attack by all types of enemy vehicle except fighters, rocket launchers and six-wheelers. AIRCRAFT All aircraft are VTOL aircraft (Vertical Take Off and Landing: As well as possessing normal aircraft flight capabilities, they can hover, fly backwards and make vertical ascents or descents. Aircraft Military Capability Cargo Plane Will not come under enemy attack. Carries no weapons systems Groundhawk Attacks only ground vehicles and buildings, Possesses automatic ground hugging software for low-level attack Seahawk Attacks only sea-going vessels and underwater. Possesses automatic sea- skimming software for low-level attack Fighter Attacks only aircraft. Will not attack you if you have no vehicle. Bomber Attacks only buildings. Has some stealth capability and will not come under attack by enemy fighter aircraft. Ground-hugging and sea-skimming software enables you to fly at low-level at high speed over appropriate terrain with no risk of crashing your aircraft. However, ground-hugging software does not operate over water and sea-skimming software does not operate over land - beware! SEA-GOING VESSELS Sea-going vessels are all surface vessels. If the water gets too shallow, they may be beached. Sea-going Vessel Military Capability Hydrofoil Attacks only hydrofoils and underwater craft. Patrol Boat Attacks only sea-going vessels (excluding underwater craft) and aircraft. Barge Will not come under enemy attack. Carries no weapons systems. UNDERWATER CRAFT The underwater craft move in various ways. The minisub and the hunter-killer manouevre in the same way as conventional submarines. The flying sub has all the capabilities of a conventional submarine but it also has a slow VTOL flight capability. The amphibious tank and the sea-spider are fundamentally land vehicles but can also move slowly across the sea-bed. Underwater Craft Military Capabilities Minisub Attacks only minisubs and sea-spiders Hunter-Killer Attacks only underwater craft and sea- going vessels. Flying Sub Attacks only aircraft Amphibious Tank Attacks only ground vehicles, amphibious tanks, sea-spiders and buildings (including underwater buildings). Sea-Spider Attacks only sea-spiders GROUND VEHICLES Ground vehicles have different capabilities over different terrain. In particular, the snowmobile, as you would expect, moves quickly across snow but slowly across other terrain. The remaining land vehicles move slowly across snow but quickly across other terrain. Ground Vehicle Military Capability Snowmobile Attacks only aircraft and ground vehicles. Six-Wheeler Will not come under attack by enemy ground vehicles. Carries no weapons systems. Motorcycle Attacks only motorcycles. Your own motorcycle can also attack six-wheelers. Armoured Car Attacks only motorcycles, rocket launchers and armoured cars. Your own armoured car can also attack six-wheelers. Tank Attacks only ground vehicles and buildings. Rocket Launcher Attacks only aircraft and ground vehicles. Will not attack you if you have no vehicle. THE FIRST PHASE ENTERING THE CSR SELECTING A PROVINCE ENTERING THE PROVINCE THE ACTIVITIES ENTERING THE CSR At the start of your Commission, the political map of the CSR shows the Republics of Ossia, Ruzakhstan. Belokraine. Moldenia and Servonia and all their provinces. In addition, there are two contaminated areas, marked in black, where nuclear accidents have made the region uninhabitable. Surrounding the CSR is the border zone, marked in grey. Your first task is to choose your entry point. You can only enter the CSR in a province which is next to the border zone or which has a coastline on the Western Sea. SELECTING A PROVINCE The political map has six levels of magnification. At level 1, you see the whole of the CSR with the each of the Republics marked by name. At level 2 you see a quarter of the CSR at 2x2 magnification, with each of the provinces marked by name. At level 3, you see a sixteenth of the CSR at 4x4 magnification, and so on. You can select the level of magnification by pressing 1, 2, 3, 4,5 or 6 on the keyboard. The map will then be redrawn centered on the position of the map pointer. To select the province where you will enter the CSR, simply click on the province. As soon as you have clicked, you will enter the CSR in that province and your Commission will begin. ENTERING THE PROVINCE When you enter your chosen province, the display changes to a physical map showing a close-up of the province. You have just crossed the CSR border in a VTOL fighter aircraft. Your Position is marked by a pin. The information you have about the province is limited. Only a handful of towns and CSR military units are marked on Your map. As you proceed with your Commission in the Province, your information will steadily grow, revealing more and more towns and CSR units on the map. move the pointer to the relevant part of the screen and then press the fire button. You begin your peace mission with various commodities and strategic resources already placed at your disposal by the United Community. You will need to draw on these during the course of your Commission but you will also be able to replenish your supplies by gaining control of buildings and securing the help of key members of the community. When you enter the province, you will already have a valid set of movement papers in operation, giving you at least two hours of immunity from attack but opening fire whilst the movement papers are in operation cancels this Immunity. THE ACTIVITIES There are a number of major activities open to you throughout the game which are selected from the keyboard. All of these activities can be selected at any time to give you information, to return you to the action, to save the game or to load a previous game. Key Activity Purpose ESC RESTART Start a completely new game F1 MAP Look at the map F2 ACTION Resume 3D real-time action F3 NATIONS Check your recruits from each nation F4 TEAMS Check your professional teams F5 STOCKS Check your resources F6 AIMS Check your aims within the province F7 MEETING Return to your meeting with a person F8 PEOPLE MET Check the demands of people you have met F9 SAVE Save your current game F10 LOAD Load a previously saved game You can switch freely between these activities at any time simply by pressing the appropriate key. THE MAP ACCESSING AND LEAVING THE MAP MAGNIFICATION LEVELS THE PROVINCE YOU ARE IN THE MAP SYMBOLS THE PERSONAL HIDDEN DETAILS THE MAP MODES FLAT OR ISOMETRIC PROJECTION SEA SURFACE OR SEA BED PHYSICAL OR POLITICAL MAP NO JOURNEY OR PLAN JOURNEY INFORMATION OPEN OR CLOSED AIRLIFTING YOURSELF ASSIGNING FIRE FIGHTING TEAMS ACCESSING AND LEAVING THE MAP YOU can access the map at any time during the game by pressing F1, the MAP activity key. To leave the map, you must select another activity. such as ACTION, by pressing another of the activity keys (F1 - F10). MAGNIFICATION LEVELS The map can be displayed at 6 different magnification levels. Level 1 1x1 magnification, showing the whole of the CSR Level 2 2x2 magnification, showing a quarter of the CSR Level 3 4x4 magnification, showing 1/16th of the CSR Level 4 8x8 magnification Level 5 16x16 magnification Level 6 32x32 magnification If you press any of the number keys 1-6, the map will be redrawn at that level of magnification, centred on the position of the pointer. THE PROVINCE YOU ARE IN The province you are in is highlighted on the physical map by brighter contour colours. On the political map, the province you are in is highlighted by a mixture of white and the colour of the Republic it belongs to. If the province you are in is already under UC control, it is highlighted in pure white. Detailed information such as the location of towns, military units, roads and canals, is only displayed for the province you are in. To access detailed information about any other Province, you must first move into it. THE MAP SYMBOLS The map gives you most of the vital information about a Province. Various symbols on the map mark the location of forests, towns, people, vehicles and military units as well as indicating your own current location. Symbol Marks [ms1] pin your own position [ms2] tree a forest [ms3] flame a forest fire [ms4] red button a building or a town [ms5] orange button a professional person (low mag) [ms6] human figure a professional person (high mag) [ms7] purple button a CSR military unit (low mag) [ms8] marled fist a CSR military unit (high mag) [ms9] blue button a UC vehicle or assault group (low mag) [ms10] vehicle a UC vehicle (high mag) [ms11] phoenix badge a UC assault group (high mag) [ms12] blue line a canal [ms13] black line a road [ms14] white line a journey you have planned THE PERSONAL ORGANISER Simply knowing the location of some of the items marked on the map is sufficient information - there is nothing more to know. With other Items, you will want to know more details. To find out more about towns, buildings, people, vehicles or military units, just move the pointer to the symbol and your personal organiser will appear, giving you more details about the item pointed at. Pointing at a town, the organiser displays its name and what types of building it contains. Pointing at a person, the organiser displays his profession, his rank and his name. Pointing at a vehicle, the organiser displays its type. Pointing at a military unit, the organiser displays what sort of unit it is and how many vehicles are attached to it. If there is more than one item at the location you are pointing at, then the organiser will display details for each item one-by-one. When you move the pointer away from the map symbols, your personal organiser will disappear. HIDDEN DETAILS When you first move in, the information you have about a province is very limited. Consequently, only a few details are shown on the map and many of the towns, the professional people and the CSR military units remain hidden. As you go about your mission in the province, you steadily glean more Information. What was once hidden detail is now revealed on the map. just moving in person close to towns or buildings or military units is sufficient to reveal these on the map. Gaining control of a radar station reveals all towns, buildings and military units in a wide radius from the radar station. Gaining control of a communications centre reveals all professional personnel in a similarly wide radius. Finally, talking to people and securing their help will often reveal towns, buildings and other people. THE MAP MODES The map modes allow you to work with the map in a number of different ways. Pressing the fire button will reveal various icons at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on one of these will select the mode you want. Clicking elsewhere on the screen will hide the icons. There are 5 pairs of alternative modes: (a) Flat projection or (b) Isometric projection (a) Sea surface or (b) Sea bed (a) Physical map or (b) Political map (a) No journey or (b) Plan journey (a) Information open or (b) Information closed In each case, you can have either mode(a) or mode(b) but never both at once. Consequently, if the map is in mode(a), only the icon to select mode(b) will appear. If the map is in mode(b), only the icon to select mode(a) will appear. FLAT OR ISOMETRIC PROJECTION [map 1a] SELECT FLAT PROJECTION When you click on this icon, the map IS displayed in a flat projection, looking down on the surface from directly above. [map 1b] SELECT ISOMETRIC PROJECTION When you click on this icon, the map displayed in an isometric projection, looking down on the surface from an angle. Political map, plan journey and information open are impossible in this mode. SEA SURFACE OR SEA BED [map 2a] SELECT SEA SURFACE When you click on this icon, the surface of the sea IS displayed. [map 2b] SELECT SEA BED When you click on this Icon, the surface of the sea bed IS displayed. PHYSICAL OR POLITICAL MAP [map 3a] SELECT PHYSICAL MAP When you click on this Icon, the physical map IS displayed, showing all the contours of the surface Different colours indicate different types of terrain. White indicates snowfields. Green indicates grasslands and alpine meadow. Yellow indicates beaches and desert. Blue indicates the sea or the sea bed. [map 3b] SELECT POLITICAL MAP When you click on this icon, the political map IS displayed, showing the territory of each republic and province in different colours. Provinces with large ethnic minorities are shown in darker shades, provinces with small ethnic minorities in lighter shades. Provinces under UC control are shown in shades white. The province you are in is highlighted by a mixture of white and the colour of the republic it belongs to. If the province is already under UC control it IS shown in pure brilliant white. Isometric projection, sea bed, plan journey and information open are Impossible in this mode. NO JOURNEY OR PLAN JOURNEY [map 4a] SELECT NO JOURNEY When you click on this icon, any journey you ha planned IS cancelled and the white zig-zag line marking out its route disappears from the map.: [map 4b] SELECT PLAN JOURNEY When you click on this icon, you are then able plan a journey. You plan a journey by moving the pointer across the map and pressing the space bar at each point you want to visit en route. Your planned journey IS marked out by a white zig-zag line. If you change your mind, press backspace to delete the previous section of your journey. Once you have planned a journey, all you have to do is return to the 3D real-time action. You will then travel automatically (auto travel) along the chosen route without having to touch the controls. During auto travel, you are normally in full screen radar mode. Press the radar on/off key to switch to visual mode. You can take a break from your journey at any time by pressing the auto travel on/off key and you can resume your journey by pressing the key again. INFORMATION OPEN OR CLOSED [map 5a] SELECT INFORMATION OPEN When you click on this icon, all currently known province information is displayed on the map. This includes the locations of forests, towns, buildings, vehicles and military units. [map 5b] SELECT INFORMATION CLOSED When you click on this icon, province information is removed from the map to give a clearer picture of the terrain. This includes the locations of forests, towns, buildings, vehicles and military units. Roads and canals remain visible on the physical map even when information is closed. AlRLIFTING YOURSELF During any activity (including looking at the map) you can press the AIRLIFT SELF key to airlift yourself to a new location. To do this, you must have at least one airlift available. Once you have pressed the AIRLIFT SELF key, the map will appear. To select a new location, move the pointer to the chosen spot and press the space bar. The pin marking your position will be moved to the new location If you are not happy with your choice, you can change the location as many times as you like by repositioning the pointer and pressing the space bar. This will not cost you any extra airlifts. As soon as you select AIRLIFT SELF, you are committed to the process and you cannot return to any meeting you might be having with another person. The airlift happens as soon as you select another activity, such as ACTION You are transported directly to the new location together with whatever vehicle you are in, at the cost of one airlift. The time an airlift takes depends on the distance travelled. ASSIGNING FIRE FIGHTING TEAMS If forest fires break out in the province, you can extinguish the fires either in person or by assigning fire fighting teams to put them out. To assign a fire fighting team you must, of course, have a one available and you must be looking at the map. Move the pointer to the fire you want to extinguish and press the FIRE FIGHTING TEAM key. The fire is extinguished immediately at the cost one fire fighting team. GOING INTO ACTION ACCESSING AND LEAVING ACTION VEHICLE CONTROLS THE INSTRUMENT PANEL MESSAGES THE RADAR THE ACTION ICONS AND KEYS LEAVE/ENTER VEHICLE AUTO TRAVEL ON/OFF ENTER BUILDING ASSAULT GROUP AIRLIFT AMMUNITION AIRLIFT VEHICLE AIRLIFT SELF FIRE FIGHTING TEAM AIM MISSILE AIM GUN MOVEMENT PAPERS RADAR ON/OFF USING POWER CELLS ROADS AND CANALS FORESTS BUILDINGS OTHER VEHICLES INJURIES DEFEATING ENEMY UNITS ENTERING OTHER PROVINCES ACCESSING AND LEAVING ACTION you can access action at any time during the game by pressing F1, the ACTION activity key. To leave action, you must select another activity, such as MAP , by pressing another of the activity keys (F1 -F10). If you are in an appropriate location, you can also leave action by entering a building (press the ENTER BUILDING KEY). During action, you move around in real-time through a 3D landscape either in control of your own personal movements (if you are on foot) or in control of a vehicle. You will see hills, valleys, forests, moving water, roads, canals, friendly and hostile vehicles and a variety of buildings and installations. If you dive underwater, you will see the rippling waves above you and the sandy bed of the lake or sea below you. If you have no vehicle, there are four different ways of moving through the landscape - on foot, swimming on the surface, swimming underwater as a frogman or by parachute if you are careless enough to lose your aircraft in mid-air. VEHICLE CONTROLS Your vehicle (or your self on foot) IS controlled by a combination of the joystick and the cursor keys on the keyboard. JOYSTICK FIRE BUTTON fire weapon (if in vehicle) Use ECM power cell (if on foot) LEFT/RIGHT Turn left/right UP/DOWN Tilt aircraft up/down Tilt submarine up/down Tilt self as frogman up/down Look up/down (other modes of transport) CURSOR KEYS LEFT/RIGHT Decrease speed / Increase speed UP/DOWN Ascend/Descend in VTOL aircraft Surface/Dive in submarine MESSAGES There are a number of possible messages that appear on your control panel: VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION What type of vehicle you are in. BUILDING IDENTIFICATION What sort of building you are looking at. CSR UNIT SURRENDERS Informs you of the retreat and surrender of a CSR unit. THE RADAR The small radar display shows a variety of Items. each colour coded: White Your own position Green Forests Dark red Buildings and installations Bright red Enemy ground vehicles Orange Enemy aircraft Purple Enemy sea-going vessels and submarines Yellow Enemy flying subs, amphibious tanks, and sea-spiders Blue Friendly assault group vehicles Neutral vehicles Immobilised CSR vehicles The radar display is aligned with your direction of movement, so that you are always moving vertically up the radar screen. AS you turn to re-align yourself, the dots on the radar screen rotate in a similar re-alignment. THE ACTION ICONS AND KEYS The 7 action icons correspond to the first seven action keys on the keyboard. The action icons light up in different colours to give you a clear indication of what actions are possible at any moment in time. LEAVE/ENTER VEHICLE If you are in a vehicle, you can get out of it at any time by pressing this key. If you not in a vehicle already, you can get into a vehicle by pressing this key. The LEAVE/ENTER VEHICLE icon lights up in bright green whenever you are able to do this. To enter a vehicle:- 1) You must be on foot, swimming or a frogman. 2) You must be close to it. 3) You must be looking towards it. 4) It must be a vehicle you have previously abandoned OR a neutral vehicle OR an enemy vehicle you have immobilised OR a vehicle from a friendly assault group Neutral vehicles will be found plying their way up and down roads and canals. All the different types of ground vehicle are found as neutral road vehicles. Along a canal (and occasionally out into a lake or into the sea), barges are the only kind of neutral vehicle. You can immobilize an enemy vehicle by using 1 ECM power cell. Providing you are close enough, you can get into vehicles from your own friendly assault groups at any time, even aircraft in flight. In this sort of case, when you press the key, you are in fact sending a radio message to the driver or pilot, instructing him to stop and pick you up. The action, however, flows smoothly on and you find yourself inside the vehicle immediately - to maintain the pace of the action, the routine and inconsequential event of the vehicle stopping and yourself clambering in is deliberately edited out of the action sequence. AUTO TRAVEL ON/OFF If you are travelling across the landscape using auto travel, you can Interrupt the journey at any time by pressing this key. You will then take direct control of your vehicle. YOU can also resume an interrupted auto travel journey at any time by pressing this key. The AUTO TRAVEL ON/OFF key lights up in bright green whenever you are able to do this. An auto travel journey enables you to move across the landscape under automatic directional control. To set up such a journey, you must first mark out a route on the map and then return to action. You will then drive along that route to your chosen destination. During auto travel, you are still able to fire your weapons and if you are in an aircraft or submarine, to alter your altitude or depth by using up/down on the cursor keys. ENTER BUILDING You can enter a building by pressing this key. The ENTER BUILDING icon lights up in bright green wherever you are able to do this. The icon lights up in bright orange by entering the building, you will use up 1 set of interdiction papers. To enter a building:- 1) You must be close to it. 2) You must be looking towards it. 3) You must be stationary. 4) It must be free of enemy interdiction OR you must have a set of interdiction papers (V1) 5) You can be in a vehicle. If it is an aircraft, it must be on the ground. When you subsequently return to action, you find yourself back in your vehicle. All buildings are under enemy interdiction if there is a CSR motorcycle, six-wheeler or armoured car close to your position ASSAULT GROUP You can call for the military assistance of one of your friendly assault groups by pressing this key. The ASSAULT GROUP icon lights up in bright green whenever you are able to do this. To call up an ASSAULT GROUP: 1) A CSR military unit must be nearby. 2) You must have an assault group available. An assault group is available if you have 1 company of troops, 1 crate of ammunition and 1 tonne of fuel in your stocks. An assault group is a combined operations force. A mixture of appropriate vehicles will be sent to help you according to whereabouts you are and what CSR vehicles are in the vicinity. The assault group will counter-attack those enemy units close to your position, greatly enhancing the firepower you in Person can bring to bear. Only one assault group at a time can conduct operations. It will cease operations on any one of the following conditions:- a) It loses 16 vehicles. b) You move rapidly out of the area. c) There are no more enemy vehicles nearby. AIRLIFT AMMUNITION You can airlift ammunition directly to your position by pressing this key. Whenever you are able to do so, the AIRLIFT AMMUNITION icon lights up in bright green. To airlift ammunition:- 1) You must be in a vehicle. 2) You must have 1 crate of ammunition, 1 aircraft, 1 tonne of fuel and 1 airlift in your stocks. Airlifting ammunition will completely re-arm your vehicle. AIRLIFT VEHICLE You can airlift a vehicle directly to your position by pressing this key. Whenever you are able to do so. the AIRLIFT VEHICLE icon lights up in bright green. To airlift a vehicle:- 1) You must be on foot, swimming or a frogman. 2) You must have 1 vehicle appropriate to your current environment in your stocks (for instance an underwater craft if you are underwater). 3) In addition, you must have 1 aircraft, 1 tonne of fuel and 1 airlift in your stocks. If you want to swap vehicles by using an airlift, you must first get out of the vehicle you are in. When you are in a vehicle (and therefore cannot airlift another) and you have sufficient stocks to airlift in another vehicle, the AIRLIFT VEHICLE icon lights up in bright red to tell you you could airlift a vehicle if you left your current vehicle. AIRLIFT SELF You can airlift yourself directly to a new position by pressing this key. Whenever you are able to do so, the AIRLIFT SELF icon lights up in bright green. To airlift yourself you must have 1 aircraft, 1 tonne of fuel and 1 airlift in your stocks. When you press the AIRLIFT SELF key, you automatically look at the map to select the new position. To do this, move the map pointer to your selected location and press the space bar. The airlift proceeds as soon as you return to action You can airlift yourself to anywhere in the same province. You can also airlift yourself directly to any province already under UC control. You cannot airlift yourself into a province still under CSR control. To enter another CSR province you must cross the border on foot or in a vehicle. FIRE FIGHTING TEAM This key is use to assign fire fighting teams to extinguish forest fires. It can only be used from the map AIM MISSILE If your vehicle is equipped with missiles, pressing this key will select the missile aiming sights (which also light up on the keyboard). When you subsequently press the fire button, a homing missile will be fired (rather than a shell). AIM GUN If your vehicle is equipped with a cannon or a gun, pressing this key will select the gun aiming sights (which also light up on the keyboard). When you subsequently press the fire button, a line-of-sight shell will be fired (rather than a missile). MOVEMENT PAPERS If you have a set of movement papers available in your stocks, pressing this key will set them in operation Movement papers give you two hours of immunity from enemy attack providing you don�t open fire yourself in the meantime! RADAR ON/OFF Pressing the key switches the full screen radar on or off. You can use this facility at any time during the action. The full screen radar replaces your normal view of the landscape with a large radar map of the vicinity As well as giving you long range radar information, time is accelerated whilst the radar is on, enabling you spend less of your own real time getting from A to B (but still the same amount of game time). Some care should be exercised when using full screen radar particularly when flying an aircraft - it is quite possible to Inadvertently crash into the ground. USING POWER CELLS When you have no vehicle, you have no weapons either. However, you may have ECM (Electronic Counter-Measures power cells. These send out a powerful pulse of microwave radiation which temporarily scrambles vehicle control systems and enables you to immobilise enemy vehicles, Having immobilised an enemy vehicle, you can get into it and commandeer it. To immobilise an enemy vehicle:- 1) You must be on foot, swimming or a frogman. 2) You must have 1 power cell in your stocks. 3) You must be fairly close to the vehicle. 4) You must be looking towards it. ROADS AND CANALS Roads and canals are routes for neutral vehicles which you can commandeer. By commandeering a barge, which will come under enemy attack, and sailing it along a canal, you can move safely through enemy troop concentrations. Roads, as you would expect, link town to town. By following a road you are likely to discover many vital Installations in close proximity to it. FORESTS When you are on foot or in a ground vehicle, forests offer you cover from under enemy attack. When you plunge into forest, the enemy lose track of you and will not attack you again for at least half-an-hour. Do not try to plunge into a forest that�s on fire - you get badly Injured. BUILDINGS Buildings and Installations, naturally, are obstacles to movement. Crashing into a building with a tank or an amphibious tank will demolish the building leaving the vehicle unscathed. Crashing into a building with an aircraft will destroy both the building and the aircraft. Crashing into a building on a motorcycle will wipe out the motorcycle, leaving the building undamaged. Colliding with a building in any form of transport results in a harmless collision which reduces the speed of the vehicle to zero. OTHER VEHICLES Other vehicles can also form obstacles to movement. Usually, if any two vehicles collide, they will both be destroyed. There are, however, some exceptions to this general rule. A tank, an amphibious tank or a rocket launcher will survive a collision with anything but a tank, an amphibious tank, a rocket launcher or an aircraft. Anything except another motorcycle will survive a collision with a motorcycle. INJURIES You get injured when your vehicle either crashes or is hit by enemy fire. If you have emergency medical treatment in your stocks, you will recover from your injuries in no more than two hours. This costs you 1 course of treatment which is automatically debitted. If you have no emergency medical treatment available, you will be hospitalised for three days before returning to the action. DEFEATING ENEMY UNITS Each enemy unit has a finite number of vehicles, which you can find out by looking at the map and using your personal organiser. After a certain proportion of these vehicles has been destroyed or immobilised, the enemy unit will retreat and surrender. When the unit surrenders, you gain one company of troops and the surviving vehicles from the unit go into your stocks. Whenever an enemy unit retreats, a message to that effect appears on your control panel. ENTERING OTHER PROVINCES You can enter other provinces whenever you like. When you do so, your mission in you current province is put on hold and you can resume the mission whenever you choose, suffering no time penalty - the number of days you have to pacify the province is based on how many days you personally spend in the province. Likewise you can enter other Republics whenever you like. When you do so, your mission in the Republic is put on hold and you can resume it whenever you like, suffering no time penalty - the number of days you have to pacify the Republic is based on how many days you personally spend there. You will sometimes need to move into other provinces or Republics to accumulate resources that you need to fulfill your original mission but which are unavailable in the original region. Of course, when you succeed in a province, you will also want to move in to another one! To enter a province under CSR control, you must cross the border either in person or in a vehicle. To enter a province already under UC control, you can airlift yourself directly in. NEGOTIATIONS MEETING PEOPLE RECRUITING CITIZENS MOVING AROUND TOWN WAITING FOR A PROFESSIONAL RECRUITING PROFESSIONALS HEADS, GOVERNORS AND PRESIDENTS RETURNING TO A MEETING MEETING PEOPLE During the course of your Commission, you will meet numerous people, both ordinary citizens and professional personnel. Every single building and installation in the CSR has an ordinary citizen in charge of it. To meet the citizen, you must leave the outside action and enter the building. You will then get the opportunity of recruiting the citizen. If you do so, you gain control of the building and gain additional resources. As well as ordinary citizens, there are 665 professional personnel who you can recruit. Unlike ordinary citizens, the professionals move from town to town during the course of their duties. To make contact with them, you must first track them down. There are 4 ways of getting clues to a professional�s whereabouts- 1) Ordinary citizens will tell you about the movements of professionals who have visited their town. 2) Gaining control of a Comms Centre will reveal the location of nearby professionals on the map. 3) Each professional you recruit will tell you the location of another professional in the province. The top professional (socially) in the province will tell you the location of all professionals in the province. 4) If you recruit a Head of Profession,! a Governor or a President, you gain the loyalty of all those under him and their locations will be marked on the map of the province each loyal professional is in. When you are in the same building as a professional, you get the opportunity to meet him and to recruit him. If you recruit him, you can either accept his often invaluable special help or you can assign him to one of your professional teams. RECRUITING CITIZENS Citizens can be recruited either by barter or by engaging them in a particular line of conversation and persuading them of your cause. Barter will cost you resources but loses YOU no time. Conversation costs you time but loses you no resources. Clicking on the appropriate icons enables either course of action. [meet1] BARTER Click on this icon to hand over the commodities the citizen has asked. You then recruit the citizen and take control of the building. This icon only appears if you have the right commodities in your stocks THE PERSUASION ICONS There are eight ways in which you can try to persuade a citizen. Only two of them will actually succeed. If you select a successful means of persuasion you will recruit the citizen and gain control of the building. If you select an incorrect approach, the available choice reduces by one. Each time you try a different means of persuasion takes one hour of game time. (i) THE CHARMING APPROACH (ii) THE BEGGING OF HELP (iii) THE MESMERIC APPROACH (V) THE USE OF TRICKERY (Vi) THE THREAT OF VIOLENCE (vii) THE PLEDGE OF LOYALTY (viii) THE DISCIPLINED APPROACH (ix) THE PEACEFUL APPROACH [meet2]TALK TO THE CITIZEN Click on this icon to engage the citizen in general conversation. By getting to know the person better, a number of the PERSUADE options, representing incorrect possibilities, will disappear. Your chances of choosing a successful means of persuasion are improved. Talking takes 15 minutes the first time you talk to the person, 30 minutes the next, then 45 minutes and so on. If you persevere long enough, talking to the person will eliminate all the incorrect possibilities and you will recruit the citizen immediately. MOVING AROUND TOWN In a town, you can move freely from building to building -without having to return to the action. To do this, simply click on the door-knocker icon shown below. [meet3] MOVE AROUND TOWN When you click on this, a display depicting the town appears. The display contains an icon for each building in the town. Moving the pointer over the icon will reveal details of the building. Clicking on the icon moves you inside the building. If there is a professional in town, you will want to use this option to find out what building he is in. WAITING FOR A PROFESSIONAL If a professional is due to arrive in town in some hours time, the clock icon appears. [meet4] WAIT POR PROFESSIONAL When you click on this, time moves on until the next professional arrives in town. You will then get the opportunity to meet him. RECRUITING PROFESSIONALS If there is a professional in the same building as yourself, a MEET PROFESSIONAL icon appears. To meet the professional, you must click on this icon. [meet5] MEET PROFESSIONNAL When you click on this icon, a special display appears. At the top right IS a portrait of the person. At the bottom left is his own personal badge. The text at the top of the screen explains who he knows. If you recruit him, you will be told the location of this person. The text also explains what special help he will give you if you recruit him. The text at the bottom of the screen explains what he needs from you if he is to help you. If you can provide what he is asking for, you will be able to recruit him. If you have already gained the loyalty of a professional by recruiting one of his superiors, he will ask for nothing and simply offer his Immediate help. When meeting a professional, the icons are:- [meet5] MEET PROFESSIONAL This appears if there is another professional in the same building. Click on this to meet him instead. [meet2] MEET CITIZEN Click on this if you want to meet the ordinary citizen in charge of the building again. [meet3] MOVE AROUND TOWN Click on this if you want to move around town. [meet 6] ACCEPT SPECIAL HELP This icon only appears if you are able to recruit the professional. As soon as you click on it, the bargain is sealed and you accept his special help. [meet 7] ASSIGN TO A TEAM This icon only appears if you are able to recruit the professional. -As soon as you click on it, the bargain is sealed and the professional joins the staff of your professional teams. Heads of Profession, Governors and Presidents cannot be assigned to teams and in their case this icon never appears. PROFESSIONAL BADGES Each professional has his own personal badge. The colour of the badge is the colour of his nation and his native Republic. The upper symbol is the symbol of his profession and the lower symbol is the symbol of his faction. The Roman numeral also indicates his faction. All the 8 members of a professional group wear the same badge - they are of the same profession in the same faction of the same nation. HEADS, GOVERNORS AND PRESIDENTS Heads of Profession, Governors and Presidents are powerful people who will make considerable demands of you in return for their help. Unlike other professionals, who will automatically join the staff of your professional teams if you gain control of their province, Heads of Profession, Governors and Presidents make no such automatic commitment. If you fail to recruit them in person you forego their help, even when you gain control of the province they are in. RETURNING TO A MEETING Sometimes, you may want to interrupt a meeting to look at the map, to check on your stocks or to check on your aims and current achievements. If you do SO , you can always return to the same meeting by pressing the MEETING activity key (F7). If you have returned to the action or airlifted yourself somewhere in the meantime, you can no longer return to the meeting in this way. You have to physically get back to the building. OPERATIONAL DATA DEALING WITH DATA NATIONS TEAMS STOCKS AIMS PEOPLE MET SAVE, LOAD AND RESTART DEALING WITH DATA All the data about your current situation is available at the touch of an activity key at any time during the game. Likewise, you can return to the action or to a meeting by pressing the action or meeting key. Where there IS more than 1 screenful of data to be viewed a simple click of the fire button will access the next screen. NATIONS The Nations display enables you to check which professionals you have recruited, which remain to be recruited and which are deceased. There are 5 screens, one for each nation. Each nation�s professionals appear on a parade ground. [nat1] The blue silhouette represents a professional still to be recruited. [nat2] A human figure represents a professional you have recruited. [nat3] A coffin represents a professional who has been killed. At the start of your Commission, the parade ground is full of the silhouettes of professionals you have not yet recruited but as time goes on, the parade ground fills up with human figures as you recruit more and more professionals. The position of a figure on the parade ground corresponds to his rank, his professional group and his faction. The President stands on the podium. Behind him stand the 4 Governors, each at the head of their faction (whose Roman numeral is chalked on the paving stones). In each faction stand four columns, corresponding to the professional groups. The Head of Profession stands at the head of the column with the other members of the group behind him in rank order. A medical group, for instance, would be ranked the Professor, a Surgeon, 2 Doctors, 3 Nurses and 1 Medical Coordinator. To check on the next nation, press the fire button. TEAMS The Teams display has two screens which help you to keep track of your human resources. The first screen shows how many teams of each profession you have at your disposal. The second screen shows the remaining team staff. These are professionals who cannot be formed into a team because there IS not the correct combination of personnel available in that profession. This screen enables you to work out exactly what persons you need to make up a fresh team. Nationality IS taken into account here because a team of mixed ethnic origin needs a Coordinator to function properly. To switch between these two screens, press the fire button. STOCKS The Stocks display has three screens which help you keep track of your material resources The first screen shows the Commodities at your disposal: gold, diamonds, food, wine, goods, tools, medication and clothing. The second screen shows Transport and Munitions at your disposal: ground vehicles, sea-going vessels, underwater craft, aircraft, fuel, ammunition, movement papers and interdiction papers. The third screen shows the Sundries at your disposal: emergency medical treatment, fire fighting teams, power cells, extra time you have gained, companies of troops and airlifts. To switch between these screens, press the fire button. AIMS The Aims display enables you to check on your aims within the province and keep track of your progress in achieving them. There are six screens in the Aims display. The Headlines screen gives the background to your mission of peace in the province. The Building Programme screen tells you what buildings you must provide to succeed in the province The Demolition Programme screen tells you what buildings you must provide to succeed in the province. The Pacification Programme screen tells you how many CSR units you must eliminate to succeed in the province. The Ethnic Harmony Programme screen tells you how many votes from each community you need to succeed in the province. Finally, the Resources screen tells you what additional resources you will be given by the grateful population if you do succeed in all your aims and the province puts itself under UC control. This screen also records the dwindling of these resources if forest fires spread throughout the province. To switch between these screens, press the fire button. PEOPLE MET The People Meet display allows you to keep track of professional demands in the province you are in. There is a screen for each professional you have met in the province but not yet recruited. It displays the person�s portrait together with what help he can offer and what demands he is making in return - a useful reminder if you are trying to gather together the necessary resources to recruit him. To switch to the next professional you have met, press the fire button. SAVE, LOAD AND RESTART These options are more or less self-explanatory. By choosing the Save option, you can save all your game data and resume play at a later date. If you wish, you can continue play after using this option. By choosing the Load option, you can load a previously saved game and continue from where you left off. By choosing the Restart option, you can start a fresh game. If you are running the game from floppy disk, you should have a blank formatted disk available. Both Load and Restart will delete your current game. ACHIEVING YOUR AIMS WAYS TO SUCCEED RADAR STATIONS LIMITLESS SUPPLIES COMMUNICATION CENTRES THE SOCIAL NETWORK PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS WAYS TO SUCCEED There are two ways of achieving most of your aims within a province. Your Building Programme aims can be fulfilled either by gaining control of the relevant buildings in person or by securing the help of professionals who will build them for you. Your Demolition Programme aims can be fulfilled either by demolishing the relevant buildings in person or by securing the help of professionals who will demolish them for you. Your Pacification Programme aims can be fulfilled either by forcing the surrender of CSR units through your own direct military action or by securing the help of professionals who will recruit CSR units to your side. In all these cases, there is a direct approach involving your own personal actions and an indirect approach using the help of others. Only with the Ethnic Harmony Programme are you forced to seek the help of others in securing the appropriate ethnic votes. To gain control of buildings, to demolish buildings and to engage in military action against CSR units in person will require some use of resources held in your stocks but not vast amounts. However, it will certainly cost you valuable time. Securing the help of professionals will enable you to fulfill your aims much more quickly but professional help is often expensive in terms of material resources and professional teams. Careful husbanding and allocation of your human and material resources is a key factor in your ultimate success. RADAR STATIONS When you first enter a province, it is wise to gain control of radar stations. These are always marked on you map and when you capture them, all nearby towns and CSR units will be marked on your map. Armed with this extra information, you can then plan out the rest of your mission. LIMITLESS SUPPLIES Atop priority will be gaining control of those buildings and installations which offer you limitless supplies of resources within the province. A factory offers limitless supplies of vehicles. A refinery with a well-head offers limitless supplies of fuel. A processing plant with a pump-head offers limitless supplies of food. A vault offers limitless supplies of gold. A fort with a mine offers limitless supplies of ammunition. Many of these installations will be found close to roads. With limitless supplies at your disposal, recruiting high- ranking professionals becomes much less costly in terms of resources. COMMUNICATION CENTRES Once you have secured adequate resources in the province, you will want to start recruiting professionals. Gaining control of Comms Centres marks on the map the location of all professionals currently in the area, enabling you to make rapid contact with them. THE SOCIAL NETWORK When you recruit a professional, he will always tell you the location of another professional higher on the social circuit. Eventually, following the pathway of social contacts will lead you to the person at the top of the social circuit who will reveal the location of every professional in the province. This IS the best way of locating the often reclusive Presidents and Governors. You can then pick and choose which professionals to recruit. You will not need to recruit all the professionals in a province and it IS not wise to try to - when you succeed in the province, the remaining lower-ranking professionals automatically join the staff of your professional teams in any case. PRESIDENTS AND GOVERNORS Presidents can give you the loyalty of 132 other professionals, scattered throughout the CSR. Governors can give you the loyalty of 32 other similarly scattered professionals. Therefore, recruiting Presidents or Governors gives a tremendous boost to your chances of success in other provinces. All the professionals in a nation or in a faction will be loyal to you and give you their help as soon as you meet them, at no cost in resources. However, you must recruit Presidents or Governors before you gain control of the province they are in, They do not automatically join you if you succeed. This can mean deliberately delaying your success in a province or even in a Republic so that you can locate the President or Governor and gather sufficient resources to recruit him. SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS When you succeed in a province, the grateful population provide you with extra resources and the remaining professionals join the staff of your teams - you gain additional human and material resources. This boosts your chances of success in the next province. When you succeed in a Republic, all the remaining provinces put themselves under UC control and you gain additional human and material resources from each. This gives a massive boost to your chances of success in the next Republic and in the whole of the CSR. As your successes mount, further successes come more quickly and more easily. Ashes of Empire text manual was brought to you by Belgarath. {{tag>[Spiele Ashes_of_Empire unfertig]}}