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Ordnerberechtigungen Mailbox

Permission levelActivities that a sharing user can perform
OwnerCreate, read, modify, and delete all items in the shared folder. As an owner, a user can change the permission levels that others have for the folder.
Publishing EditorCreate, read, modify, and delete all items, and create subfolders.
EditorCreate, read, modify, and delete all items.
Publishing AuthorCreate and read items, create subfolders, and modify and delete items that you create.
AuthorCreate and read items, and modify and delete items that you create.
Nonediting AuthorCreate and read items, and delete items that you create.
ReviewerRead items only.
ContributorCreate items only.
CustomPerform activities defined by the folder owner.
Free/Busy time, subject, locationFor calendar sharing only, read the free/busy information, subject, and location of calendar events
Free/Busy timeFor calendar sharing only, read the free/busy information of calendar events
NoneNot perform any activity. The user remains on the permissions list but has no permission and cannot open the folder.


exchange/ordnerberechtigungen_mailbox.1537954417.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/09/26 11:33 von ronny

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