


Shared Mailbox gesendete Elemente

In Office 365 and Exchange 2013 CU9, this feature is disabled by default.

Enable the feature

For emails Sent As the shared mailbox:

set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $True

For emails Sent On Behalf of the shared mailbox:

set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $True

Disable the feature

For messages Sent As the shared mailbox:

set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $False

For emails Sent On Behalf of the shared mailbox:

set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $False


exchange/sharedmailboxsentitems.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/11/28 09:48 von ronny

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